When I Make You Mine Read online

Page 6

  “I’m completely fine with that.” I raise my head and give him a kiss on his cheek, covered in a bit of stubble.

  “Good, now get in the kitchen and make me some food woman. I’m starving!”

  He playfully swats my ass and I throw a pillow at his face as I get up. Honeymoon phase or not, I am no one's wench. Knowing that he is teasing, I let him off the hook in search of my clothes.

  As he requested, we spend the day together and don’t step out of the house once. We make love throughout the day and even incorporate a bit of it into the chores.

  Right as I think that we’ve had sex in every room in the house I turn the corner into the laundry room and hear Jim call out, “Why are we not having sex? What are you up to now?”

  “Just sorting out my laundry.”

  He’s jumping up quicker than I’ve seen anyone move and in the next breath he asks, “Mind if I help?”

  “Not at all.” Bending over I grab the red sock that has accidentally fallen in the washing machine with the whites. Hearing a sharp intake of breath, I feel Jim’s hands on my hips.

  “Are you wearing any underwear under my shirt?”

  He insisted that I wear his shirt today, saying that he wanted to leave with my smell all over him. I thought that was kind of sweet. Agreeing, I added some spice to it by not wearing anything under it after our last round of sex. Being as tall as I am it sits mid thigh, low enough to cover up any problem areas that I have back there, but short enough to still be playful.


  He shifts his body behind me fully and moves my hands to where they are now resting on either side of the washing machine. I feel a chill run up my spine as a draft of air moves from my legs up to my ribs. My legs are pushed slightly apart as he moves to stand in between them. Once he is sure that I have my hands fully planted on the washer, he slowly runs both of his hands up my thighs, to my waist, causing my skin to heat at his touch. He is clearly not finding any panty lines and with his hard length pressing into my ass, I’m thinking he doesn’t mind.

  “Oh fuck baby, you are going to get it now. Prancing around practically naked except for my shirt and not telling me. Fuck. Turn around and close the lid to the washer.”

  Confused, I turn my head slightly to try and figure out why the washer has anything to do with it when I feel a firm smack on my ass. “Close the lid.” I instantly comply and turn my head back around to face the washer.

  The next thing I know he has removed the shirt that I am wearing, causing my hair to tumble down my back in waves. Moving his left hand around my hip, he spreads my slick folds open to tease my clit. With his right hand he moves the dials of the washing machine to the spin cycle. I instantly feel everything under my hands start to vibrate. Jim expertly lifts me up and twists me around to where I am sitting on top of the washer as he smoothly steps into my already spread legs.

  “Don’t move.”

  He fishes into his pants pocket and comes up with a condom. How he has a never ending box of these things, I do not know, nor do I care at this point. He swiftly rips the foil open and rolls it over his impressive erection. Without any further preamble, he slams into me, making me gasp as he furiously pumps in and out of me. Almost like he is punishing me. It’s the sweetest punishment I have ever felt.

  As he continues to slide in and out of me, he grabs my arms and pulls them back, securing them with one of his hands behind my back. His other hand slowly runs up my side, cupping my breast in a vice that is almost painful, but not quite. His lips crash into mine and they begin biting and nibbling at my bottom lip. Mimicking his thrust, he begins to push his tongue into my mouth at the same, punishing speed.

  When I think I can’t take it any more Jim lifts me off of the washer and turns me like a rag doll, my feet are spread on the floor and my hands are on top of the washer again. My ass is tilted up into the air as he leans in close, licking the pulse point in my neck and nibbling my ear. “Hold on tight sugar, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you now.”

  Panty splash...if I was wearing panties.

  Jim then proceeds to do just as he promised. He begins pistoning into me hard, making me see stars. I swear that my eyes roll back in my head, it feels fantastically good. I cannot help but cry out in delicious agony as he keeps up what feels like an inhuman pace. He knows he’s not hurting me. He knows he is about to push me into an orgasm, the likes of which I have never seen before.

  As he continues his brutal pace he moves his arms up my body and securely grabs hold of both of my shoulders, using them for leverage. I hear him roar out a loud growl and some colorful expletives. I begin to feel his cock twitching frantically inside of my pussy as he empties his seed into me yet again. This twitching sets off my own orgasmic explosion and I can feel my folds clamping down on him like a vice.

  “Oh fuck, Jim! Damn it, ooohhh shiiiiittt. Yes!”

  I finish the last part in a pant and drop my head down to the washing machine. We must have been going at it for longer than I thought because the spin cycle is over and the electronic display is cheerfully reading “Done.”

  Ya got that right. I’m definitely done!


  The last week has been filled with some of the best sex of my life. When I found her wearing my shirt without anything on underneath, I all but jizzed in my pants.

  We spent the rest of the day doing nothing spectacular such as cleaning up her house, watching movies, eating takeout pizza, and having sex. I can’t wait until we literally, do it all again.

  “You know, you never did answer my question about dinner. When would you like to go out?”

  “Oh, I totally forgot. I’m pretty good with hanging out today. How about another night?”

  She is such a breath of fresh air. Any other woman that I have spent time with wanted nothing more than to go out and ‘be seen’. Anne also didn’t jump at the chance to see me outside of her house, which I will take as a compliment. Most women play any angle they can, to get me to take them out to a social event.

  “Hanging out today is cool. But, I am taking you to dinner tomorrow night.”

  She instantly looks nervous as she starts to play with invisible lint on her shirt. “Uhm, well…”


  Looking up through her big blue eyes she murmurs, “I’ve actually, got plans tomorrow.”

  Please don’t say Ben.

  “Uhm, well, Ben sort of.” She won’t even look at me now.


  Placing my index finger under her chin I nudge her face back towards my direction. “Then the night after that.”

  She visibly sighs in relief. I knew that my reaction to hearing her plans would be scrutinized. I want to go all tarzan on her ass and say ‘Hell no,’ but Ben was here before I was and she said that they were nothing but friends. I don’t trust him any farther than I can throw that Italian beast, but I trust her and I need to show her that.

  Smiling up at me she says, “That sounds perfect.”

  Glancing at the clock I notice that it’s gotten late. “Look I’ve got to get going, it’s almost ten, and my shift at the hospital starts early tomorrow morning.”

  “Sounds good. I’ve got work a bit tomorrow too.”

  Looking thoughtfully around the room my eyes lock onto her laundry, “You know, you never folded those towels.”

  Her eyes instantly perk up, “You’re right, that was very naughty of me, not finishing all of my chores.”

  “Well then, maybe we shou-”

  Before I even finish the sentence she is grabbing my pants and dropping to her knees.

  God, I could fall in love with this woman so easily.

  I tilt my head back as she deftly pulls out my semi-hard cock. I seem to be in a constant state of arousal around this woman because within five seconds I am hard again. I have no idea how I am going to get anything done without her tomorrow.

  “Hmmm, you are already hard for me aren’t you, big fella? Are you gonna come all in my mout
h or on my ass?”

  Oh fuck, her ass.

  Those words makes me think about nothing but plowing her sweet little asshole with my cock. I gotta get this under control before I blow into her mouth in under a minute. Knowing that I need to make this quick, I pick her up and carry her to the couch, slowly lowering her to her feet.

  “Turn around, sugar.” I’ve spanked her enough this week for her to understand I’m not joking. She turns around quickly, like a good little girl. While she is maneuvering herself around, I quickly wrap my dick in a condom and sit perched on the edge of the couch. My legs spread wide open to welcome her into the ‘v’ shape that my legs have made. I lower her down while her back is facing me and impale her with my rock hard cock. She gasps out in pleasure and instantly starts to ride me in an up and down motion, balancing on her legs, using her thigh muscles while her hands are gripping my knees. Just as I am about to explode she slams down on me and starts moving her sweet pussy back and forth.

  There’s not doubt about it, I’m going to lose it now.

  Before too long I am gripping her waist tight, pushing her back and forth. I love that she is still in my t-shirt with nothing else on.

  With the vision of her sliding back and forth on my cock, and the thought of her pussy always being open for my dick, I reach around to rub her clit before I explode. She is on the edge as much as I am. With two quick flicks of her clit, she is spasming around my cock and gripping it like a vice. Her little channel is beyond tight, making me see stars as I come down from our mutual release.

  Panting, I lean up and bite her on her other shoulder where her neck meets, slowly kissing and licking away the small sting, “Damn woman, we are gonna break some furniture at this rate.”

  “Fingers crossed.”

  Chapter Ten: The Other Guy


  Finally done with work and heading to Anne’s house, I start to relax a bit. It feels like it’s been a year since I’ve seen her instead of four days. I’m getting to the point that just seeing her on the days that we have off together is not enough. I want her in my bed each morning. I want to wake her up with my head between her legs and go to sleep with my semi-hard cock tucked inside her. I cannot get enough of this woman.

  Over the last month we have gone everywhere together. Two nights ago we went to a hockey game with all of our friends because, for the most part, we’ve blended them seamlessly together. Except for Ben. He’s always dower around us and I can’t help but think it’s because he has some residual feelings for my Anne. I can’t blame him, the woman is fantastic. Not only does she work full time, but she also volunteers at the nursing home down the street and is a wonderful friend. She’s not perfect, none of us are. She has her grumpy moments, as I do too.

  Sex wise, everything is fantastic. We’ve christened every room in her house. We’ve not even started on the rooms at my house because I’ve never brought a woman home before. Ever. But the moment I bring her to my home, that’s it, I just know it. I won’t ever let her leave. I’m no dominant, but I’m cognisant enough to know that I will never want her to leave once she steps foot into my house. Seeing her surrounded with my things will forever change the place.

  Putting my possessive thoughts aside, I climb out of my car and head to her house. It seems to rain every day during this time of year and today is no exception. I hurry up to her door, so as to not get soaked by the downpour, and see it slightly ajar. The hair on my back instantly stands at attention fearing that something has happened. Trying not to make too much noise, I gently push open the door a bit more. The wind nudges the door even more and I can now hear muffled voices in her living room. One is definitely Anne’s and the other sounds like Ben.

  “I’ve been in love with…”

  What did he just say?

  The wind howls fiercely at that moment and I can’t hear the rest. When it finally calms down I hear Anne chime in, “...me, but...wait what did you say?”

  Yeah fucker, clarify that one a bit.

  As the wind dies down a bit I hear Ben speaking, “What do you mean ‘you know I am in love with you’?”

  The wind is blowing fiercely. I can barely make out what is being said.

  Did he say, ‘You know I’m in love with you’?

  For some dumb reason Ben keeps talking. “Honey, I love you. More than I can say…”

  That fucking bastard, I knew it. The moment that I turn my back he is trying to swoop in and steal my woman.

  I feel sick to my stomach, but I have to hear what she says back. I know it’s not right to sit here and listen in without making my presence be known, but I’ve tamped down too much jealousy towards this prick to do the right thing. Unfortunately, this wind will not stop. If it was a perfect day, I could hear every damn word he is saying to the woman I love.

  ...the woman I love. I love her.

  “...I’ve been trying to show my love for what feels like years. I can only hope it’s not too late.”

  As my heart tries to take in what Ben is saying I hear Anne finally respond, “Don’t say that, it’s never too late…”

  Fine time for me to realize that I love her.

  I turn back around without making a sound and head back to my car. I won’t spend any of my time with someone who is clearly in love with another.

  Damn, I thought she was The One.

  Chapter Eleven: The Next Steps

  Three weeks later


  I’m going crazy, I’ve not seen Jim in weeks, and I have no idea what is going on. He keeps saying that he has to work and that after work he is too tired to stop by. I get it, being an ER doc has to be stressful, with schedules stretching out to where you don’t know up from down or day from night. But this? This is crazy. I’m close to calling up Mark, his best friend, to see what is going on, but I don’t want to seem desperate. If I want any sort of future with Jim, I have to accept his crazy schedule. Until recently, it’s been fine. But now, I feel he is brushing me off. I can’t stand this. I’ve even taken the day off of work in order to try and get my mind straight but I have to get out of this house, if only for a bit.

  Thankfully, I remember that Renee is working the early shift. I can hop over to see her without any fear of running into Jim at the hospital. His shift doesn’t start until ten and Renee’s starts at eight. I should be able to get in and get out without being seen. Fingers crossed, I shoot her a quick text.

  Do you have any patients this morning? I need a girl chat session!

  Nope, I’m open until 11. Working on paperwork now. Get your ass over here and get me out of this hell called “medical documentation”!

  Be there in 10.

  Unfortunately, as I make my way down, traffic hits and it takes me more than twenty minutes to get to the hospital. I walk what feels like a mile to get to her office. I know hospitals are enormous to begin with, but this is ridiculous! I need one of those motorized wheelchairs or something.

  When I finally make it to her office I am completely out of breath and feel a little sick to my stomach. I really should have started working out more once I got over pneumonia and sepsis.

  As I turn the corner, I see Renee walking out of her office. “Well, well, well, thanks for finally gracing me with your presence.”

  “I aim to please. Where are you headed to?”

  “I’ve got to grab some printouts real quick. Head into my office and grab a seat. I’ll only be two shakes of a lamb's tail.”

  Plopping my ass down, I huff out a huge breath. I’ve not been in her office in almost a year. It’s nice and cosy, it makes you want to take a blanket to the sofa that she has tucked into the corner and take a nap. How she gets any work done in here without taking a nap, I’ll never know!

  “Don’t tell me you are fantasizing about taking a nap in here again!”

  “I can’t help it. Those throw pillows are calling my name!”

  We both get a chuckle out of that and I finally settle down before I jump into my issues.<
br />
  “So, I think Jim dumped me.”

  “What? What do you mean he ‘dumped you’?”

  “He’s been avoiding me like the plague and I have no idea why.”

  “Have you asked him?”

  “I wouldn’t be here talking to you about it, ya ho, if I would have asked him!”

  “Alright, alright, no need for name calling, ya hooker!”

  That gets a smile out of me. “I have no idea what happened. We were so hot and heavy that this cold shoulder is giving me whiplash.”

  Renee thinks for a moment before she starts talking again. “Okay, let’s break it down. When was the last time that you saw him?”

  “When we all went to the hockey game, three weeks ago.”

  “And everything was fine, nothing out of the norm happened?”

  “No, we came back to my place, went at it like rabbits and he went home the next day. I was supposed to see him that Sunday but he never showed up. He sent me a text later that night saying that he got called into work and that was it. Ben stopped over and we...uhm, we chatted that day but I never saw Jim.”

  Dang it, I almost let it slip.

  Renee had the look of swallowing a lemon on her face for a split second before she cleared her throat. “You saw Ben? How, uhm, how was he?”

  “He was fine, he wanted to talk to me about…”

  Oh shit, that was the day that Ben...I can’t say anything, he made me promise.

  “What’s the matter? You just stopped mid-sentence.”

  “Oh, nothing really. Have you talked to Ben lately?”

  Renee turns just the slightest shade of pink when his name is mentioned. “Ben? No. Not since the hockey game. Look, it’s almost eleven and my first patient should be here any minute. Lets meet up for dinner and see if we can figure something out. If nothing, the next steps that you should take.”

  “Yes, good idea. Where to?”

  “How about the Green Belly?”

  Looking out her window I see two people walking hand in hand and I can literally feel my heart squeezing. Holding back my emotions I mutter, “No, that reminds me of Jim. It’s the first place we kissed.”