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When I Make You Mine Page 4

  I look her right in the eye because I know deep down she loves her job. “What happened to that guy last month who you swore was going to die if he didn’t make changes?”

  “He didn’t die.”

  “Thanks for the succinct wrap up, but why didn’t he die?”

  “Because I didn’t give up on training him in his new eating regimine.”

  “Exactly. You’ve got the touch. It won’t happen with everyone. It will only happen for those who want it to, and you can’t make them want it.”

  “You’re right. Seeing my patients not put their full effort into it makes me frustrated.”

  “I know it does, but I am very proud of you. What’s on the docket for next week?”

  “Oh, it’s going to be a good one.”

  As Renee chats away about her new patients, routines, and doctors my mind starts to wander towards another doctor. Those bright blue eyes, his hard dominating masculine chin covered in a soft but scruffy beard. Hmmm mhhh mmmm lick him like a popsicle.

  “What did you say about dessert, Anne? Whatever it was, you’re onto a great idea.”

  Shit did I say that out loud? Cover you ass, cover!

  “Yeah totally, let’s get some deep fried ice cream!”


  “You know I just went on a ten minute spiel about people and their eating habits, right?”

  “Yeah but that’s for work, this is play. Enjoy life, Ren. Even if for a little.”

  “You’re such a bad influence on me.”

  “Speaking of that, round two with the drinks are on me, woman!”

  Thankfully our food arrives and we soak up some of the alcohol with some fantastic food. Even with Renee's company and good food, my thoughts are never far from Dr. Jim. Turning a little introspective, Renee senses my quiet mood shift. “So how did things go with your follow-up visit?”

  “Eh, it went okay.”

  “Just okay? You’re not suffering from anything else and not telling me are you, ya little bitch? Because if you are I will rip you a new one for letting me sit here griping about my patients while you are dying of terminal cancer.”

  “Jesus Ren, no. Settle the crazy train down. I am not dying from cancer and I like how you went from zero to sixty on that one.”

  “Yeah well, you have a tendency to keep everyone at bay until you are past the point of no return, so excuse me for naturally jumping to the extreme.”

  I was taken aback. I feel like I run my mouth day in and day out, never keeping anything hidden.

  “How can you say that? I tell you everything!”

  “Eventually you do, but it takes you a while, now dish. How was Mr. Big Cock?”

  I totally forgot that I mentioned that he was my follow-up doctor. “Oh shit, hotter than ever. He called me on my BS.”

  “What do you mean, ‘your BS’?”

  “I mean that he called me on pushing too much as well as me stating that I was ‘fine’ when I was exhausted. He gave me a note to get me out of work for another week, and then…” I let the sentence drift off and played with my napkin a bit, unsure if I should tell her about the hand holding. I don’t want to keep things from her and I realized that I do hold things back.

  “Uh-uh, don’t go retreating into your shell again, spill it.”

  So much for keeping this to myself!

  “Well, he sort of touched me.”

  “Touched you? Like in your private place where Mommies and Daddies tell you never to let a stranger touch you?”

  I laughed. “No, you sicko! He touched my hands, and sort of my face, and shoulder, and maybe my hands again.”

  She pushed my shoulder with surprising force. “Shut up!”

  I throw my hands up in a ‘whatchagonna do’ type motion. “I swear, it was a ‘can’t keep his hands off me’ sort of thing but not in a weird way. Sort of like he had to touch me to get his point across.”

  “And that point being, at the end of his dick?”

  “God no, Renee! His point being that I needed to rest so exhaustion didn’t land me back in the hospital.”

  “Well, that is a point, even though it’s not as exciting as the one at the end of his dick. How big do you think he is? Eight inches, nine? Holy shit, you are not saying anything. You’ve seen it haven’t you? It’s ten inches isn’t it?”

  “Jesus Christ. Slow your roll, woman. I have not seen it, felt it, rubbed up against it, or licked it, for your information. I have no idea how large and in charge it is, but even if I did I wouldn’t tell you a damn thing.”



  I am glad this night is over. For some reason, full moons bring out the crazy and tonight it was coming out of the woodwork, into the ER. I need a drink.

  I reach for my phone and dial up my brother Zack for a little guy time, wondering for a moment how I am going to get him out of the house. Thankfully, it dawns on me. I know exactly how to entice him.

  “Hey little brother, what’s up?”

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Doctor Spock. What the fuck man, you drop off the face of the earth or something?”

  He never fails to make me laugh, nor does he fail to make me forget the craziness in my life and bring me out of my little funk. “I’ve been here. Where the hell have you been?”

  “Knee deep in pussy brotha, knee deep. I’m seeing this new chick, Kelly. God can she fuck. Outside of the bedroom she is annoying as all get out but inside, man she is a tiger.”

  I shake my head and chuckle a little at his one track mind. “Nice. I’m guessing that this isn’t one that you bring home to meet Mom, huh?”

  “Hell no, we’re only having a little fun.”

  Yeah right, okay. “Does she know that?”

  “It was her idea. She’s getting out of a relationship and doesn’t want anything to do with men but to scratch her itch. And boy does she love to scratch!”

  “Gross. You may need a shot of penicillin and I need to bleach my brain now, thanks.”

  “Any time big brother, any time.”

  “You down for drinks tonight?”

  “Yes! Kelly is at some fluffy puffy nail thing. Plus, no football on tonight.”

  “Glad I rank third. Green Belly, nine o’clock?”


  That was easier than I thought! By the time I get there, I’m a little worried that it’s going to be packed. With a place as good as the Green Belly, you never know. We’re lucky tonight because it’s pretty open.

  Grabbing a table in the corner I wait for Zack and order a beer. The wait staff has always been one of the best features of this place. Not because they are all hot amazon chicks, which wouldn’t hurt, but because it’s simply a nice place to hang out. We try to come here at least once a week to blow off some steam.

  Scanning the crowd I keep an eye out for my brother. He’s either already here and hitting on the ladies or he’s late as per usual. When I make a full sweep of the bar and start to move my gaze back, I see her. She’s here. In my space.

  Fate, I love the shit out of you.

  “Hey Fuck Tard, how ya been?”


  “Fantastic. Look, sit for a second. I gotta go say hello to someone.” I barely register what he mutters after my brisk command because I feel like I am being pulled towards her by something that I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. The whole room starts to dim as my focus is entirely on her. She looks gorgeous sitting at her table with her legs crossed showing just enough skin but not too much. She definitely feels better. Her skin is glistening like sugar and her smile could light up a room. Neither her nor her friend have noticed me as I move closer to their table. As I get closer I hear part of their conversation.

  “Well, that is a point, even though it’s not as exciting as the one at the end of his dick. How big do you think he is? Eight inches, nine? Holy shit you are not saying anything. You’ve seen it haven’t you? It’s ten inches isn’t it?!”

  “Jesus Christ, slow yo
ur roll woman. I have not seen it, felt it, rubbed up against it or licked it for your information. I have no idea how large and in charge it is, but even if I did I wouldn’t tell you a damn thing.”


  “Evening ladies.”

  They both jump in surprise as Anne slaps her hand over her mouth to try and cover up her shock. Considering her friend’s ornery glint in her eye and wide smile, she knows that I heard the last part of their conversation.

  I turn to Anne and can’t control myself, I grab her hand and hold on to it while I look at her. “How are you? Can I guess you are feeling better? You look good.”

  She stutters a bit, drawing a finger through her hair to hook a piece behind her ear in what is probably a nervous gesture for her. “Yes-s, yes. I’m feeling much better. Thank you.”

  “Good. Dance with me.” It’s neither a question nor am I waiting for a response. I’ve been given the opportunity to touch her and hold her close. She’s all I can think about and I’m not going to give this up for anything.

  As I move her to the dance floor I can feel her tense up and grab hold of of my arm, seeming almost scared. Before I even have the chance to ask she admits, “I won’t lie. I’m a bit freaked out.”

  “What’s scaring you, sugar?”

  “I’m not a very public person. Things like this, dancing, being in front of people, scares the daylights out of me.”

  “I can imagine how you feel. Sort of like stage fright?”

  “Yes! Exactly like stage fright.”

  “Don’t worry, sugar. I’m holding you now. No one can get to you.” With that, I pull her to the dance floor and completely wrap her up in my embrace. She’s no shorty at five-foot-ten, but being six-foot-four myself, she fits perfectly. I place my hand on her hip while she instinctively places her arm on my shoulder. I can feel her warmth seeping into me. Gently, I take her other hand in mine and bring it to where it sits between our chests, wrapping her in nice and tight. As we sway to the music I reach out and play with a few wisps of her hair that have fallen down.She smells like mixed berries and citrus. Nothing but fresh and lovely.

  “Have you been resting?” I know I shouldn’t play the doctor card right now, but I’ve got to know if she is taking care of herself.

  “As much as I can.”

  “Good, please keep it up. It’s taken all of my effort to not check up on you several times already.”

  I can tell she was surprised by this when her breath catches. “You must say that to all of your patients.”

  I try not to spook her as I pull her even closer, our mouths mere inches apart as I continue to lean in. “I never say that to any of my patients. I’ve definitely gone a bit over the line of professional decorum just by saying that, but I won’t lie to you either. I’ve been worried about you.”

  She visibly swallows, but continues to look into my eyes. “I’ve been worried about you all week too.”

  I can’t help it, I give her the slight but firm peck on the lips and a shock of electricity hits us hard as we stumble a bit. It sends warmth throughout my entire body. By the look in her eye and her quick intake of breath, she feels it too. I lean in slowly to make sure she is still okay with it and I give her another quick peck. It’s there again, that zing and sizzle of electricity. She stretches her neck slightly and reaches up to meet me halfway for another kiss that is a bit longer than the first two.

  Somehow the song has changed from a slow tune, to a hip-hop dance. I quickly move her off the dance floor and into a quiet corner. Secure in the fact that we are completely alone and in a private area, I move in closer, placing both of my hands on her cheeks, cupping her face. I watch her closely as I drop my mouth over hers. I don’t want to do anything she doesn’t, I can only hope that she wants this as bad as I do. She continues our movements by picking her chin up to meet me halfway again, showing me she is all in. My dick almost leaps out of my pants, knowing that she is feeling the same thing. As the music keeps playing, we continue kissing, nibbling and biting each other for what feels like hours.

  Chapter Seven: The House Call


  Another week has gone by and I am feeling much better. I can finally get some cleaning done around the house and some laundry. As I am finishing with the first load, I hear the doorbell ring. It’s around ten in the morning and I’m not expecting anyone, leaving me a little confused. Renee is visiting her sister and Ben is no doubt placing another notch on his bedpost.

  Atta boy, getcha some.

  Lord knows I’m not getting any. After the night at the Green Belly with Dr. Jim, I can only hope that my chances are increasing but, you never know. We ended up combining our tables and the four of us chatted throughout the rest of the night as if we were long lost friends. We’ve talked several times throughout the week, getting to know each other more and more so my chances of getting some are greatly improving as each day goes by.

  As I turn the corner, the doorbell rings again.

  Right, the doorbell. D’oh.

  Since I am a single girl in the city, I typically don’t answer my door unless I know that someone is coming over. I don’t care if people hear me moving around or not. I’m not jeopardizing my safety. As I reach the stairs my cell phone chimes, indicating that I’ve got a new text.

  Open the door Anne, it’s Jim.

  What? Dr. Jim?

  Just as quickly a second text comes through.

  I can hear you in there. Open the door.

  Dang it, I can’t ignore him now. He knows I’m here. I slowly move to the door and look through the peep hole, making sure not to make a sound.

  “I can still hear you back there Anne. Open the door.”


  I succumb to my fate and do a quick scan of everything including my house and my body.

  Did I put on deodorant? Yes. Phew.

  Secure in the fact that everything is in order, I open the door.

  “Morning, sugar.”

  “Dr. Jim! What’s the matter? What are you doing here?”

  “Anne, we’ve made out, call me Jim. You gonna invite me in?”

  “Shit, Jim, yes. Sorry.”

  I move to the side and hear him chuckle. “Do you always cuss like that?”

  “Yes. I’m not ashamed of it. Many say that it’s a lack of vocabulary and a lesser more uneducated form of speaking. I have a 145 IQ, I’m not worried about sounding dumb.”

  “I didn’t say that you did, but most don’t start conversations with it like you do.”

  He’s now moved closer to me and it feels as if someone has turned the heat on. My palms are sweaty and I can feel a bead slide down my back.

  “Personally, I think there is a better way to use your mouth.” He tilts his head slightly and slowly. Almost hesitantly, he moves his lips down over mine, watching my eyes the entire time. I hold myself back from launching myself at him. He smells fantastic. Like clean soap and aftershave. It’s much better than actual cologne, which can choke you to death if done wrong.

  I move my arms up to his shoulders and his hands find my waist, pulling me closer. Oh swoon, this moment is too much for me. I’ve thought about it for too long over the last two weeks and my vibrator actually busted a wire during that time.

  “I want you so bad, Anne. I’ve thought of nothing else but you.”

  “Can’t that be rather life threatening for those patients of yours?”

  “Everyday. I can’t keep my mind locked in. Thankfully nothing went wrong, but I can’t stay away from you any more, and I don’t want to. Please, say you’ll go to dinner with me tonight. That’s the only reason why I came over, but when I saw you, I had to kiss you.”


  “After everything that I said, you only heard dinner?”

  “I’m a one track mind kind of girl. Now where is all this fantastic eating going to be happening?”

  “Oh Anne, you have no idea what I want to say in response to that, and it has nothing to do
with food.”

  Panty splash.

  I inhale quickly and dive bomb back at him. At this point I don’t care. I want him all over me. My panties are soaking wet and my ass is tingling. I am completely and utterly turned on right now. First with the kiss, then the talk of food, and now his dirty talk. I am done for. I need to be on him, climbing him like a monkey climbs a tree.

  This time we are frantic. There is no awkward approach, no tentative light kisses. This is full on, getting it on.

  Hands find their way to my hair and pull. He brings my face to the perfect angle for him to deepen the kiss, but he doesn’t kiss me. Nope. He licks me. He actually licks me. Pulling me towards him ever so slowly, looking me in the eye. Then at the last moment, he turns his gaze to my mouth and licks my open mouth from side to side. Holy shit it’s the sexiest thing that has ever happened to me in well...forever.

  “Where’s your kitchen?”

  “My what?”

  “Your kitchen. I’m gonna fuck you raw on your kitchen counter and if you don’t tell me where it is in five seconds, I’m gonna smack that sweet ass. Now, where is it?”

  “Straight down the hall at the end.”

  “Good girl.”

  Oh no! I have to come clean, I can’t let this go too far and not tell him what he is about to do. Will he be pissed? Some guys get pissed at that sort of thing from what I hear. Something along the lines of not wanting the girl to fall in love with them, not wanting the girl to get the wrong impression, so on and so forth. That sounds completely egotistical and cold hearted but it’s the word on the street.


  He’s now moved on to licking and sucking my neck. He’s found my jugular and is skilfully sucking and nipping away. I’m going to come just from this. As he moves up and down my throat I become a wanton hussy and start to moan his name over and over.

  He moves his mouth down to my chest.


  “Yes, sugar?”

  “I need to tell you something.”