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When I Make You Mine (The Richmond Series Book 1) Read online

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  I keep my cool. Pretty is pretty, and drooling all over someone is not a good impression to make even on death's door.

  “Oh, hello.”

  Yeah, keep that up Anne. Good. Act aloof and unaffected.

  He slowly smiles as he extends his hand. “I’m Dr. Jim.” He pauses for a moment and looks straight at me. My head has stopped spinning and everything is at a stand still. Small tingles start to zip about where his hand is touching mine and it is divine. We both snap out of our daze as he asks me about my symptoms.

  Instead of letting go of my hand, he brings his other one up to hold it. The action is more of a comforting gesture than sexual, but I’ll be damned if the inside of my thighs know the difference.

  As I tell him my whole story, he starts to move over to my left, looking at the blood-pressure machine thingy, taking my hand into his again. Almost like he can’t stop touching me. His hands are soft and smooth but strong at the same time. I shake out of my fog and realize that he is not holding my hand, but taking my pulse. “Your pulse could be a little stronger.”

  How in the hell is it not racing out of my wrist with this hottie touching me?

  He then places his hand on my actual wrist and holds it as Nurse Vicki listens to my lungs from the back. The stethoscope is so cold I almost jump clear off the bed, triggering one of the world’s worst coughing attacks. This is not as bad of timing as you would think. She gets to hear just what is happening deep in my lungs. It doesn't take a stethoscope to know something ain't right in there, but it is a tad bit embarrassing. Nothing is sexy when you are coughing up a lung! And oh shit, I just looked down and remembered that I am still wearing my two day old sweatpants with holes in the crotch, holes in the knee, holes in the waist band. Fucken holes, everywhere. That’s it, these are getting dumped in the trash the second I get home.

  Jim looks straight at me with concern etched in his eyes. “All right Ms. Anne, you just bought yourself some x-rays.”


  After some uncomfortable “holding still” time during the x-rays, I am back in my room. Thankfully, they were able to use the images that they took because I wanted to do nothing more than to cough violently, making my entire body ripple from head to toe.

  Before I know it, in saunters my hot ass...

  Holy shit, he changed into scrubs. I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  Too bad I am sweating like a pig, shucked my socks, have my pants with holes in the crotch, rolled up to the knees of my unshaved legs. I bet I look sexy as hell.

  Dear Lord, please give a girl a break and make him drop something so I can stare at his ass in his scrubs!

  Seconds tick by with no such luck. I grow desperate, searching around my bed to see if there is anything that I can throw while he is in the perfect position. Spotting one of my socks at the end of the bed I quickly make a stretching move and kick it off. Dr. Jim slowly turns his gaze at me and smiles as he bends down to pick up my sock, giving me the perfect view of his ass.


  Lightly laughing he gets right back to business. “We’ve got your test results back.” As he says this he looks over to my new visitor and releases a breath, which is strange. Is he frustrated because Renee is in the room? Was that annoyance that his train of thought was interrupted? Was it relief? I barely know him, so it’s hard to tell.

  “Dr. Jim, this is my best friend Renee.”

  "Nice to meet you, Renee."

  "Likewise." Renee smiles and I shoot her a look to let her know he's mine.

  “As I was saying, we have your blood test results back as well as your x-rays. It looks like you’re dehydrated, your blood pressure is low, you have low potassium levels, a high blood sugar count, and your white blood cells are higher than we’d like to see. I’m diagnosing you with sepsis and pneumonia. We’ve already started the paperwork to admit you too. Even with that, we’ll have to monitor you closely to ensure that your sepsis doesn’t advance. The antibiotics that I’m going to give you will take care of just about everything that’s happening but we need to get some fluids into your system as soon as possible.”

  This sounds serious.

  I lay my head back and blow out my breath. I thought it was just a cold, I didn’t even think it would be something this bad. Pneumonia, how do you even get that? I haven't been around anyone who has that. Sepsis, what the fuck is sepsis?

  “Wow, that’s...wow. Renee, can you run back to my place and get some stuff for me?”

  “Sure sweetie, don’t worry about it. I’ll change the locks when I am there too.” Renee's shit-eating grin makes me smile through the pain.

  God bless her heart. I didn’t even think about it.

  “Change the locks?” Dr. Jim has a look in his eye that is between confusion and concern.

  “Yeah, I had sort of a run in this morning with my roommate and umm, another person.”


  I shoot Renee a “please shut the hell up” glare.

  “Sounds like some good drama. I’ll let you all have at it. Anne, I’ll be back in a bit to wrap things up and get you moved over to your room.” He moves to the end of my bed to speak to a female nurse and leans in a bit too close for someone who works together. I feel my hackles rise up. I just met the man and the image of him speaking to another woman is pissing me off. These meds must be having some sort of weird effect on me. I can’t be jealous after just meeting someone. Can I?

  I stuff my confusion down and try to be as polite as I can be. “Thanks for everything, Doc.”

  As he turns towards me, he slowly reaches out to touch the bottom of my foot and keeps his hand there for a second. Then he moves his hand to the top of my foot. “My pleasure.” Right as he turns around to leave I catch sight of his glorious scrub clad ass and sigh with content.

  I can die happy now.

  “What the hell was that?” Renee squeaks when the good doc leaves.


  “I didn't stutter. What the hell was that?” Her stare burns a hole in my head as she folds her arms over her chest.

  I start to move around in my hospital bed looking for my phone. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “He wants your beaver!”

  Holy shit. I burst out laughing, nearly to the point of hyperventilation.

  “You bitch. You about killed me!”

  Before she can respond, Nurse Vicki returns with her super sweet demeanor. I’m beginning to love her just a little bit. Thank God she didn’t hear the diarrhea that fell out of Ren’s mouth. That girl!


  I am screwed. The moment I looked into Anne’s eyes, I was screwed. She was covered in grime, wearing sweatpants with holes in the crotch, had hair that obviously hadn’t been washed in days, and absolutely no makeup on. Still, I’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her.

  I’m such a jerk. I’m painfully attracted to a patient. Thankfully, I saw her when I first started my shift and hadn’t changed yet, otherwise they would all be calling for my resignation. Letting a patient, or a nurse, see me with a boner in my scrubs would not have been good for anyone. What am I, a randy teenager? I can only be glad for the firm material of my jeans holding the Little Dude in. Otherwise I would have been a dirty old man sporting a woody behind some thin cotton.


  Just then Nurse Mark saunters over. “Doc, you had better tell me you are going to tap that.”

  Mark is one of my best friends and one hilarious prankster. He used to be voted ‘Most Eligible Bachelor’ at the hospital Christmas party every year until he married Vanessa. Those two could make you sick from a sugar high.

  “Can it, Mark. She’s a patient.”

  “She may be, but I’ve never seen a patient get you that riled up. You glad you got jeans on right now, buddy?”

  “Shut it.”

  As close as Mark and I are, I will never admit that I had a boner for a patient to anyone, let alone to another member of the hospital staff. I turn around and hea
d for the locker room. I’ve got to get into a cold shower, and quick while she is off getting x-rays.

  I move through the hallways lined with medical equipment and swiftly walk past the nurses station. I think back to her lips and how they are the most suckable lips that I have ever seen. I could spend days biting on those…

  Stop it, you sick fuck.

  Reaching the showers, I take off every piece of clothing from my body in about zero point two. I don’t have time to waste as I quickly step into the shower and let the cold water trickle down my back and stomach. Inhaling sharply, I try not to cry out.

  Damn, this water is cold.

  This is crazy, I see patients all day, everyday. So many that one starts to blend into the other and it’s hard to keep them straight. I’ve never had this visceral of a reaction to a patient before. Shit, I’ve never had this sort of reaction to anyone before, in or out of the hospital. Sure, hot chicks have come through the ER, but most of the time they are so drunk or drugged up that any physical response to them is destroyed. Not Anne. She is painfully beautiful. Her hair, dirty as it was, still tumbled in waves down her back.

  Without even noticing it my hand has moved to my neck and has started to rub it. My other hand quickly finds my already hard cock and starts a gentle push and pull motion.

  Fuck it.

  The water can’t get any colder and I still have a raging hard on. Turning the water a little warmer, I lather up my hands, and start to quickly wash my chest, making my way back down to my engorged cock. I can just see her bent over my bathroom sink, ass up in the air with her hair held back by my hand. Those blue eyes sinking into mine as she looks back at me through the reflection in the mirror. My other hand would grip her hourglass figure hips and dig in, thrusting from behind as I make her mine over, and over. I can see her tits swinging in the air back and forth as we move in the same rhythm. Letting go of her hips, my hand would make its way up to her gorgeous chest, and I would grab hold. Leaning forward I would mark her with my bite, right in between the spot where her shoulder and her neck meet.

  At that thought I lose it, jerking harder than I have in a long time. I come to the thought of her hot and flushed against me, completely spent, our bodies pressed together as I stare at into her gorgeous eyes. Shit, if my imagination is this fantastic, I can only guess what the real thing is going to be like.

  Finishing up in the shower, I make quick work of getting into my scrubs. I continue on about my rounds but cannot get my mind off that beautiful brunette. Sure, she may look like a truck hit her, but it takes a lot to hide natural beauty like that. I could see attraction reflecting in her eyes the way that they dilated when she looked at me or when I touched her. Damn, I know I was affected, given my teenage jerk fest in the shower just now. Her pulse also indicated she was affected. I may have told her she had a weak pulse but that was just to cover for her so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. Her heart beat was racing like crazy from my touch. I felt it the first moment I touched her, felt it climb higher, and higher as each second went by. For her own health I had to stop taking her pulse, letting it calm down a bit. And for my own sanity, I had to stop touching her as well.

  Out of nowhere Mark scrambles up beside me, scaring the daylights out of me. “What’s this about her needing to change her locks?”

  “Goddamn it dude. You scared the shit out of me. What, did you just wait outside the door and listen in?”

  He gave a small laugh. “Hell no, I heard it when I was turning the corner to go help Nurse Vicki.”

  “Yeah sure. As for the locks, I don’t know what that’s all about but I’m going to find out.”

  “Good. Just don’t let the caveman out, brother.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I never lose control.”

  “No you don’t. That’s why I’m warning you. This one could make that control snap. I can tell.”

  He doesn’t know how right he is.

  Chapter Three: Observation


  I absolutely hate the hospital. I’ve been poked and prodded, moved and lifted, blood pressure cuffed, and everything. My personal favorite was when the doc’s order of Sugar Saline caused me to vomit all over the place. He might have a nice ass in scrubs but that pissed me off.

  Now that I am in the Observation wing, I have a new nurse named Jackie.

  “But Miss, the nausea was probably from the meds that they gave you in the ER. Looking over your chart, they gave you a pretty serious antibiotic, that’s what did it.”

  I’m exhausted at this point, my phone keeps ringing with worried friends and I can’t help my grumpiness as I almost shout, “Look, I completely understand you are trying to do what the doctor ordered, I get it. But three minutes after you all hung that bag and hooked me up, I was vomiting all over the place. It’s not the antibiotics I took two hours ago, it’s the Sugar Saline. Please, please, please take it out.” I’m not above begging at this point. “I’ve thrown up five times and I haven’t eaten anything in three days. I don’t have anything left to throw up.”

  Looking through her paperwork a bit more and checking things over again she agrees. “You have the right to refuse anything. If you don’t want it, it’s gone.”

  “Thank you.” As she starts to walk out my phone rings again.

  Deep breaths, deep breaths. I know that they always say that you are your biggest advocate, that the nurses and hospital staff are only doing their job but damn, that was a fight.

  “Do you always make nurses cry?”

  I damn near jump out of my skin. “Holy shit. Ben, can you please not scare me to death? I am trying not to die over here!” I give him a huge bear hug as my phone vibrates, indicating a new message.

  Ben is one of the handsomest men I’ve ever met in my life. He’s Italian, and the phrase “tall, dark, and handsome” does not even begin to describe him. He would be some lady’s wet dream or Mr. Perfect.

  We actually went on a date once. It was a disaster. He kept trying to put all his lame moves on me and I just kept laughing in his face. I’ve known him way too long and seen him do way too many disgusting things to move him out of the friend zone.

  We met at the University of Richmond during freshman year. He was trying to get into the panties of my roommate at the time and, if I remember correctly, I was trying to eat my pizza when he actually did get into her panties...five feet away from me. Ahhh, dorm life. Thank fuck that part of my life is over. Needless to say, their love didn’t last. Somehow we remained friends and have been close ever since.

  “Now, why would you even think that I wouldn’t come to the rescue of my beautiful Anne. My sweet, loving, beautiful Anne.”

  Just as Ben’s profession for my beauty leaves his lips, I hear a new but already familiar voice coming from just inside the room.

  “Visiting hours are over.” Dr. Jim almost growls this as he clenches his jaw open and closed. His knuckles are almost turning white from his balled up fists.

  Damn, I really needed to get him a bell. Speaking of bells, my phone rings again. Ugh, I need to shut that thing off.

  Ben stares him down before he finally answers. “Yeah, well that’s for everyone else. I’m not leaving.”

  “I’ll have security escort you out. She’s sick; there may be a bed over there but this isn’t a hotel. Have some respect.”

  “What the fuck? You think I’m here to have sex with her?”

  Dr. Jim looks from me back to Ben. “From what I overheard, you were about to start the show.”

  These two are nose to nose now. Well, slightly angled. Dr. Jim is about one inch shorter than Ben’s height of six-four. Guess that answers the question of how tall he is. Nevertheless, they are squared off and neither one is backing down.

  Since I can’t physically get between them, being tethered to the hospital bed and all, I speak as loudly as my sore throat will allow. “As much as I would love to see the start to the Italian/Viking war, would you two please back off. Dr. Jim, I am not
going to be having sex with anyone. Ben, tell him.”

  Ben stands there smugly for what feels like five minutes before he responds with a cheeky grin. “She’s not going to be having sex with you.”

  “Ben! That is not what I said and you know it.” Right then my face goes pale.

  Oh shit, did I just inadvertently say I was not against having sex with my doctor? Fuuuuck.

  Just as I am about to clarify, somehow, I hear Dr. Jim, “Listen Ben, no one is going to be having sex with her...”

  There’s a long, pregnant pause. My mind instantly adds to Dr. Jim’s sentence in wishful thinking “...but me”. Sadly he continues on without adding it. “Visiting hours are over. You can come back bright and early tomorrow morning at nine.”

  “Ben, he’s right, I’m wrecked and need a hot shower. Let me get settled and I’ll call you. You can bring me some of your famous breakfast muffins in the morning. Hospital food blows and I don’t know how much I’ll be able to get down fast food wise.”

  Dr. Jim looks at me sternly, “No fast food.”

  Slightly shocked by his barked order I keep my focus on Ben, “Okay, no fast food. Muffins, please.”

  Ben looks to Dr. Jim and then to me before he quietly says, “Alright but if this guy gives you any shit call me and I’ll come bust you out.”

  “I’ll be fine. I trust him completely. Love you honey, good night.”

  Dr. Jim gets another uncomfortable look on his face and moves to my right side. I get up to get ready for my shower and turn just in time to find Dr. Jim staring at my ass. Well, maybe he was just looking at the door handle because his eyes move quickly to my calves and then to my bare feet. I’m sure his gaze was...I don’t know, it was too quick to really tell what his gaze was doing but it was definitely moving to different parts of my body. My cheeks start to heat with embarrassment.

  Walking towards me he gently takes my elbow,“You need to rest Anne. Having visitors will only tire you out more than you already are. Your test results are not improving at the rate that I would have liked to see. No more visitors and no calls. Give me your phone.”